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  2. Beef Jerky Flower Bouquet In A Beer Mug ’vase'
Beef Jerky Flower Bouquet In A Beer Mug 'vase'
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8-Stem Mixed Bouquet In A Beer Mug 'Vase'$77.00

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Introducing the ultimate gift for the meat-loving beer enthusiast! each bouquet is arranged in a sturdy tankard beer mug "vase" and comes in a stylish, branded box. The bouquet is pre-arranged, sealed and packaged for optimal flavor and quality. Unfortunately, we are unable to delay shipping for future delivery dates at this time.

Product Details: 1027-P-MK032895

Introducing the ultimate gift for the meat-loving beer enthusiast - our Beef Jerky Flower Bouquet & Beer Mug! Each bouquet is arranged in a sturdy tankard beer mug "vase" and comes in a stylish, branded box. The bouquet is pre-arranged, sealed and packaged fresh with oxygen absorbers for optimal flavor and quality.

Our custom package design allows for easy gifting - simply slide out of the box and the bouquet is ready to go. Choose from our 8 stem or full dozen options and pick your favorite flavor: Original, Teriyaki, Hot or Mixed.

This unique and delicious bouquet will be a hit at any party or event, and makes a great conversation starter. Order your Beef Jerky Flower Bouquet & Beer Mug today and surprise someone special!"

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