Mother’s Day NFTs: Get to Know the Two Artists Behind These Exclusive Works of Digital Art
Both creators say they were inspired by their extraordinary moms.
Apr 26, 2022
We at are always looking to innovate and celebrate life's most important moments. This Mother's Day, we've engaged with two artists, Maaz Raheel and Devi Namira Amalia, to create our own mint of NFTs that celebrates moms and the special people they are.
Raheel and Namira have a lot in common. Both hail from Asia — Raheel is Pakistani, while Namira was born in Indonesia. They've been creating art since they were little, and both say they were inspired throughout their careers by mothers who nurtured their talent and encouraged them to pursue their craft.
The reverence Raheel and Namira have for their mothers — and all mothers — is evident in their NFT art. The moms depicted in their collections represent an incredibly diverse range of backgrounds, but they all have one thing in common: They reflect the special and unique bond that exists between a child and mother.
We wanted to get to know our NFT artists a little better, so we asked them about their background, their work, and their mothers.
Maaz Raheel
Can you tell us about your background? What led to you becoming an artist?
From the beginning, I've tried to find aesthetics in different art styles. I have experimented with a lot of different styles to find my “cup of tea," with the sole aim of creating magic and becoming a stellar artist through drive and devotion. I've worked my way here, but I still have a lot of room to improve.

How did you get into NFT art?
NFTs are the talk of the town and a big opportunity for every artist. I still remember the first time I heard the term “NFT" and how it would change the way people look at digital art. I was so excited and intrigued by this new technology that I pulled a couple of all-nighters to learn and create my first NFTs. My pursuit of staying ahead of the curve in developing and learning new art styles, paired with my vision to grow as a digital artist, led me to NFTs.
Tell us about your mother. What kind of woman is she, and how has she influenced your life?
My mother is a gem of a person. I am where I am today because of her sacrifice and blessings. She has always been there for me, be it cheering for me at school presentations or pushing me to bring out the best in myself. In fact, I created my first piece of artwork for my mother's birthday. It was a simple design, but to her it was priceless, and her eyes light up every time she looks at it. She has truly inspired me to become a better artist. I can never repay my mother.
What was your inspiration for the NFT art?
I was inspired by the beautiful occasion they are for! Plus, I've got a soft spot in my heart for all mothers. Children never know the sacrifices their parents make while raising them, and I wanted to portray the beautiful relationship between mothers and their children.
Devi Namira Amalia
Can you tell us about your background and what led to you becoming an artist?
I come from Salatiga, a small town surrounded by mountains in Indonesia. I have loved drawing ever since I was little, and at some point I decided to make a career out of it.
How did you get into NFT art?

NFTs have become a “thing" lately. Every collection is unique, and you can make such a big impact with them. I see them as a way for me to get my art out into the world in a way that can benefit charities and help organizations raise awareness for important causes.
How did you develop your artistic style?
My mom noticed my interest in art, so she decided to put me in art lessons when I was five. For years, I gradually developed my skills, and now I can take on commissions that people really love.
What was your inspiration for these pieces?
For this NFT collection, my main inspiration was my own imagination. One of my personal goals is to have my own flower garden, and I made these look exactly like I want my garden to look. For features like the clothes and hairstyles, I selected traits that I find most attractive.
Tell us about your mother. What kind of woman is she, and how has she influenced your life?
I always tear up when I think about my mom. She is the most important person in my life. She came from a very poor family that lived on the street, but she has worked really hard so I don't have to go through what she did.
She is the one who keeps me on track. At times, my life has been really difficult, but whenever I think of her, it always makes me want to go back on the right track. She inspires me to want to be as strong as she is, and I always want to do my best to make her the happiest mom ever.