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DIY Sunflower Votive Candle Holder

Check out these two ways to make sunflower candle holders out of real sunflowers.

Julie Mulligan

Jul 18, 2021

Here’s another way to design using the sunny and versatile sunflower. I’ve found that both their large centers and hardiness make these flowers the perfect vessel for holding a votive or tea light candle.

These are two methods that I’ve used to make a sunflower candle holder and both work great!

1. Painted LED votive light

What you’ll need

sunflower candle holder with painting votive
  • Brown acrylic paint
  • Small paint brush
  • White plastic LED flameless tea light candles
  • Sunflowers


  1. Cover your surface with a piece of scrap paper.
  2. Apply the first coat of paint and allow to dry.
  3. Apply a second coat and allow to dry.
  4. Apply the third and final coat.

That’s it! I found that it took three coats of paint to achieve the nice, deep brown color that would allow the tea light to blend in with the center of the sunflower.

sunflower candle holder with LED votive light

You can use any size sunflower for this sunflower candle holder, from the petite size above to a very large size. Check out my video on the mobile Instagram page to see how to make a sunflower votive centerpiece using large size sunflowers. If you're already on a mobile device, click here to watch the video!

2. Sunflower votive holder

What you’ll need

  • Tea light
  • Sunflower (any color)
  • Sharp knife and/or spoon for scooping



sunflower candle holder with cutting stem

Cut the stem from the sunflower so the sunflower sits flat on a surface. 

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Use the tin holder to create the area where you’ll insert the votive. 

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Press the tin into the center of the sunflower as far down into the flower as you can.


sunflower candle holder with pressing in votive

You can also use a knife or even a spoon to scoop out the center of the circle to make room for the votive.


sunflower candle holder with placing candle in holder

Place the candle with the tin holder into the opening that you’ve created. 

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