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Article Cards Featured Image purple tulips blooming against a sunny sky

6 Most Beautiful and Unique Tulip Types

Find out what makes each category of these spring blooms beautiful and unique.

1800 flowers

Mar 10, 2022

You know it’s spring when those long, lovely tulip stems start peeking out of the ground. There are more than 1,000 different tulip species, and each one brings its own touch of charm to the season. In fact, so many species exist that scientists have grouped them into 15 main categories of tulip types, just to keep them in order!

We’re celebrating the warmer weather by picking our six favorite tulip types. Read on to find out what makes each category of these spring blooms beautiful and unique.

Single Tulip

1. Single tulip

The beautiful simplicity of these tulips is what makes them a favorite among gardeners and florists all over the world. In fact, our floral designers at use single tulips to create all our spectacular tulip arrangements. Whether they’re solid colored or bicolored with contrasting hues, these flowers bring a bold pop of color to any home or garden. They can be found in virtually any hue, including red, yellow, orange, pink, purple, blue, white, and black. We love the gorgeous, deep color of the purple tulip so much that we even chose it as our signature flower!

Single tulips come in two varieties: early blooming and late blooming. Early bloomers start to spring up in late Mach and can grow up to 17 inches tall, and each flower can expand up to 3 inches wide. Single late tulips typically bloom in May and can grow up to 30 inches tall, with a 3-inch-wide flower. Some of the most popular single early tulips include the Purple Prince, Diana, Prince of Austria, Cardinal Rampolla, Lac van Rijn, and Keizerskroon. For single late tulips, favorites include the Antoinette, Blushing Lady, Queen of the Night, Avignon, Dreamland, and Zomerschoon.

Double Tulip

2. Double tulip

These tulips are double the fun! They come in pairs and have more than twice as many petals as the single variety. They have so many petals that they’re sometimes called peony-flowering tulips because their full blooms look so much like pretty peonies. Because they’re so large, double tulip blossoms are long lasting, but they can also easily snap in bad weather. Staking is sometimes a must, especially during strong wind and rain.

Like their single-bloomed siblings, double tulips exist in early and late varieties. Double early tulips show off their blossoms in early April and grow up to 15 inches tall and 3 inches wide. Double late tulips appear later in the season, around May, and can reach 24 inches in height. Some of the most beloved double tulips include the Angelique, Peach Blossom, Uncle Tom, Orange Princess, Yellow Spider, Montreux, Crispion, Mount Tacoma, Miranda, and Boule d’Or.

Lily Flowering Tulip

3. Lily-flowering tulip

The most feminine of all tulips, these tall, curvy flowers are named for their lily-like shape. Their blossoms are narrower in the middle, and their long, pointy petals curl outward at the top. When they fully bloom, they form a star shape, just like the lily. Lily-flowering tulips can reach a height of 24 inches and come in any combination of pink, purple, peach, red, orange, yellow, and white. They typically flaunt their full-bodied beauty in late spring, around May. The trendiest lily-flowering tulips are the Ballerina, Ballade, West Point, Mona Lisa, Holland Chic, China Pink, Tres Chic, and White Triumphator.

Fringed Tulip

4. Fringed (crispa) tulip

These tulips call for a celebration! Their fun, fringed petals make them look like adorable little party hats. The frayed edges of this flower can be either the same color as the rest of the blossom or have their own exciting color that contrasts the petals. Their blooming season is usually in late spring, and they can reach up to a whopping 30 inches in height. The frilliest, best-loved varieties of the fringed tulip include the Curly Sue, Fancy Frills, Fringed Elegance, Burgundy Lace, Cummins, Hamilton, and Lambada.

Rembrandt Tulip

5. Rembrandt tulip

With the paint-like splatters of color across their petals, Rembrandt tulips truly look like a work of art. So it comes as no surprise that they were appropriately named after the world-famous Dutch painter. Although their one-of-a-kind looks and colors are truly something to admire, these tulips aren’t commercially grown anymore. Because the flowers’ speckled pattern was the result of a virus that could infect other tulips, they were taken off the market. And as the case with other types of artwork, if you happen to find a Rembrandt tulip in a store, it’s most likely a knockoff, not an original.

Parrot Tulip

6. Parrot tulip

Just like the fluffy, vibrant tropical bird they’re named after, ruffled parrot tulips come in all sorts of bright colors and patterns. But even though these flower petals could pass for bird feathers, their curved shape even more closely resembles a parrot’s beak. The flamboyant parrot tulip can reach a height of up to 24 inches, and they can be enjoyed in full bloom in the late spring — a perfect kickoff for the summer season! The Flaming Parrot, Estella Rijnveld, Black Parrot, Rococo, Salmon Parrot, and Professor Rontgen are the most brilliant species in this tulip category.

Can’t get enough tulips? Here’s some info about other beautiful tulip types.

  • Triumph tulips: A cross between early and late single tulips, these cup-shaped flowers blossom up to about 3 inches wide and grow up to 20 inches tall. Making up the largest tulip division, triumphs bloom in early midseason, usually around April.
  • Darwin hybrid tulips: Darwin hybrids are among the largest and tallest tulips: They can reach a height of 20 inches, and the flowers themselves bloom up to 6 inches wide. They come in every color and a variety of patterns, and their long, hardy stems make them perfect for cutting. These bloom mid to late season, well into May.
  • Viridiflora tulips: Although they come in a variety of colors, all these tulips have a hint of green on their petals. Viridiflora tulips grow up to 6 inches wide and 22 inches tall, and they usually bloom late in the season.
  • Kaufmanniana tulips: Also called water lily tulips for their striking resemblance to water lilies, these small and pointy flowers only grow to about 10 inches in height. The flowers are usually a deep red on the outside and a soft yellow on the inside, and they generally bloom in early spring.
  • Fosteriana tulips: The large size of these tulips (they grow up to 6 inches wide and 18 inches tall) has earned them the alternate name emperor tulips. They sometimes have pointed petals, and they come in red, pink, orange, yellow, and white varieties. These usually bloom in the early spring.
  • Greigii tulips: A bit on the smaller side, these tulips only grow up to 10 inches tall and 6 inches wide. Blooming in mid-spring, greigii tulips are brightly colored (they come in shades of red, pink, yellow, and white), and their petals are pointy and wavy.
  • Species (botanical) tulips: Descendants of wildflowers, species tulips are known for their sturdiness, long lifespan, and ability to multiply over the years. They can also bloom at various times during the season.