6 Best Flowers for Allergy Sufferers
Most of these flowers have a low pollen count, making them good gifts for people with bad allergies.
May 19, 2017
If years of springtime watery eyes and a runny nose has turned you off to flowers or gardening, we’re here to offer some relief. Contrary to popular belief, there are flowers that even the biggest allergy sufferer can still enjoy. So until scientists can develop pollen-free houseplants (which yes, they’re actually working on!), here are the most hypoallergenic flowers that will leave you breathing easy.
How come only some flowers affect allergy sufferers?
When it comes to allergies, flowers have gotten a bad rap. Most allergy sufferers are not allergic to flowers but rather the pollen they attract. But just like some flowers have high pollen counts, others have very low (and sometimes no) pollen levels
6 types of hypoallergenic flowers
There are plenty of flowers that are allergy friendly — you just need to know where to look. Here are six of the most popular ones.
1. Hydrangea

Hydrangeas are a staple among gardening homeowners because they have the ability to rebloom throughout the spring and summer — so we’re happy to say that they are allergy friendly! Because their pollen is so sticky, even strong winds won’t blow it into the air.
2. Cactus

When you think of a blooming flower, a cactus probably isn’t the first thing that comes to mind. But despite what you may have seen, they’re so much more than just green, spiky bumps. Cacti actually sprout beautiful (and low pollen) pink, orange, and yellow flowers.
3. Roses

Yes, you can now exhale a sigh of relief — roses are hypoallergenic flowers! Though roses do carry pollen, the particles are far too big to become airborne, so they won’t cause any problems for most allergy sufferers.
4. Tulips

Just like a cactus, tulips have a very low pollen count. But if you’re planning on adding them to your allergy-free flower garden, make sure you wear gloves when planting them, as the can sometimes give allergy sufferers a mild rash.
5. Asiatic lilies

Believe it or not, you can actually alter certain flowers to make them allergy friendly. If you’re buying lilies for an allergy sufferer, simply cut the stamens (where the pollen is kept) out. Make sure you do this before you give them as a gift though, since pollen from lilies can be some of the worst for allergy sufferers.
6. Orchids

An orchid’s tropical bloom makes it an incredibly appealing flower during the spring and summer — and nearly all species of orchids have a low pollen count!