10 Creative Birthday Celebration Ideas
Show the birthday boy or girl a great time by getting them something they'll never expect.
Jan 16, 2019
No matter the age, a birthday always calls for a celebration. But with each passing year, it can get more and more difficult to brainstorm creative birthday celebration ideas and gifta, especially with the added pressures of party planning.
With these simple yet memorable ideas, sending creative birthday wishes has never been easier — or more fun.

Creative ways to celebrate a birthday
- On your loved-one’s birthday, send his or her parents a thank-you card.
- Each year on your child’s birthday, write a letter sharing details recapping their year, and what you love about them. Store them in a box to present when the child heads off to college.
- For a 50th birthday party, request that all gifts have something to do with the number "50" — 50 golf balls, 50 pieces of chocolate, 50 notes to open for 50 days, a 50-year-old book, etc.
- Make an artful label for a wine bottle. Take a picture of the birthday girl or boy and glue it to the bottle over the old label. You’ll create a whole new vintage. “Wine not?”
- Wrap bottles of bubbles with wishes for the birthday girl. The inscription might read: ”Thank you for blowing into our life.”
- Make posters wishing someone a happy birthday and hang them on trees and light-posts leading the person home from work.
- Play pin the tail on the donkey at a child’s party. For a grown-up party, blow up a picture of the birthday girl or boy and pin the tail on their picture. We promise this game will bring lots of laughs!
- Make fun birthday balloons. Before you blow up balloons, write a birthday wish on a star-shaped slip of paper and put it inside the balloon. Have the balloons filled with helium (at your local party store) or blow them up yourself.
- Have a slumber party (they're not just for kids). Invite your girlfriends to come over (and bring pajamas) for a night of princess delights. Arrange to have a massage therapist, psychic, or tarot card reader, and a manicurist. Indulge, have fun, laugh, tell secrets, and play with your friends. Have a breakfast with Belgian waffles, whipped cream, and strawberries.
- Create a birthday card. Glue a photo of the birthday gal or guy on the front and write a great quote inside.