Help brighten someone’s day with our lively bouquet. Filled with roses and Peruvian lilies, this colorful mix of blooms is a wonderful way to reach out and show you care, for the big milestones and “just because” moments.
- 16-stem bouquet of pink (shades of pink may vary), orange and yellow roses gathered with assorted Peruvian lilies (alstroemeria); bloom color may vary
- Double their gift with our large bouquet of 32 stems
- Picked fresh on our premier farms around the world, our flowers are cared for every step of the way and shipped fresh to ensure lasting beauty and enjoyment.
Add to their gift:
- Classic fluted swirl-design glass vase in pink or clear; measures 7.5"H (double bouquet only)
- Pink or clear hourglass vase with elegant carved fluted detail; measures 8"H (single bouquet only)
- Illuminate your space with the sweet scent of vanilla crème from Cozee Candle; soy wax blend candle is hand poured in a pink opaque glass vessel that will burn clean; 18 to 20 hour burn time; wooden lid stamped with gold daisy; 3.5 oz. (available with pink vases only)
About Cozee Candle
Featuring fresh, curated scents that leave a memorable impression, our Cozee Candle collection is exclusively created by Paired with our beautiful floral bouquets, it’s a gift guaranteed to please all the senses.