Office Christmas Decorations: Going to Work Just Got Festive
From office lobbies to the cubicle, these tips will help you spruce up your office for the holidays.
Nov 30, 2022

'Tis the season to get festive! And since the average person spends about a third of their life at work, why not put a little Christmas cheer into your cubicle? Decorating the office for the holidays is a great way to put a smile on your coworkers' faces, lighten the mood, and help spread a little joy to everyone around.
If you're feeling merry this month, here are some ways to add some winter wonder to the workplace with office Christmas decorations.
The lobby
A lobby dressed up for the holidays instantly sets a warm and inviting mood for all its visitors. The size of your building will determine how elaborate you can get with your decor, but what lobby at Christmas time would be complete without a tree and some wreaths?
Although decorating your lobby is an opportunity to let your creativity shine, there are a few rules you should follow when planning your display:
- Set a budget.
- Keep in mind that this is a communal space. Ask colleagues for their input.
- Think about safety first.
- Don't wait until the last minute.
Follow these guidelines, and you can be sure that every visitor who stops by these lobby displays will leave happy.
Go big or go home
There's nothing quite like seeing a big Christmas tree all lit up to stop you in your tracks. The sparkles and trimmings will certainly put you in the holiday spirit as you head into work, and will even draw window shoppers in just to get a look. Hang lights and ornaments from the ceiling for that extra wow factor and seasonal cheer.

The desk or cubicle
Staring at your computer screen for hours can make you feel lackluster during the most wonderful time of year. But have no fear — dressing up your desk with these ideas will have your coworkers thinking that Santa's elves were working overtime.
Recreate your cozy living room
The holidays are a time for gathering with friends and family, and feeling a sense of comfort at home. Swapping the seating around, adding a cozy rug, and placing wrapped presents under the tree will evoke that feeling of warmth and togetherness from home. You can even set up a hot cocoa bar or fireplace projector screen for an extra level of added comfort.
Bring in a pop of color
Christmas isn't just about decorating in red and green. In addition to your traditional red poinsettias and green trees, incorporating a pop of color, such as a deep purple ribbon or bright pink bows, will modernize your holiday decor and brighten up your space.
Use what you have
If you already have great pieces in your lobby, add a few small touches to the space to enhance it. Large paper snowflakes, flameless candles, or twigs of holly serve as festive additions that capture the holiday spirit.
Get creative
Now is the time to let your imagination run wild. If you want to see Santa on a sleigh, penguins ice skating, or a reindeer flying through the air covered in falling snow, and, of course, bundles of holiday florals, make it happen! Unique displays are sure to leave a lasting impression and have visitors looking forward to how you can top it next year.

Add a tabletop tree
Placing a small tree on your desk will certainly add some glee — after all, you'll need a spot for Santa to drop his gifts. It can be real or a feather tree or even metal, which can be reused every year. Now that's thinking green.
Make it sweet
Turn your workspace into a delicious candy land by transforming your desk into a gingerbread house. Cover your desk in brown paper and fill up bowls of peppermints, candy canes, and chocolates to keep there. You'll be everyone's favorite coworker as they stop by for a sweet treat.
Wrap it up
Sometimes the simplest decorations are the best. Wrapping your desk and office furniture and dressing it in bows will turn your office space into a colorful present.
Let it snow
Walk into a winter wonderland every day by hanging paper snowflakes, angels, and blankets of glittery snow, or assembling a Christmas village right there on your desk.
Chalk it up
Hang a chalkboard in your cube with a Christmas tree drawn on it. Then, as your coworkers and guests stop by, encourage them to add to the tree and sign their name for the ultimate company Christmas card!
DIY stockings
Looking for a team-building activity to get the whole office in a festive mood? Throw a stocking decorating party! After all the personalization is complete, everyone can display their merry masterpieces in their cubicles.