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  2. Watering Can of Blooms + Free Gloves
Watering Can of Blooms + Free Gloves

Product Details:


Limited-time Offer: Free Gardening Gloves with Purchase!

Plant the seeds of Spring in their heart with this charming gift. Filled with a mixture of muscari bulbs in blue and white, our ceramic lavender watering can features a delicate cut-out detail and makes for a lovely, reusable keepsake once the blooms have been replanted in the garden. We’ve also included a free pair of gardening gloves for added style.

  • Muscari bulbs arrive rooted, sprouted and ready to bloom; features 9 muscari bulbs (3 blue magic, 3 ocean magic, 3 white magic)
  • Ceramic lavender watering can with delicate cut-out detail; measures 4.25”H x 10.4”L
  • Once the blooms expire, you can store the bulbs for next year and plant them outdoors
  • Comes with a free pair of high-quality white gardening gloves with green floral print and grip dots on the palm—available while supplies last
