LIMITED AVAILABILITY! Our cheerful, candy-cane colored bouquet brings together unique varieties, like our lush white peonies that add beauty and charm to the holidays with their large, layered petals and rich fragrance. They’re joined by elegant white garden roses, rich red anemones and roses to get everyone into the spirit of the season.
- Mixed bouquet of white peonies and garden roses, red anemones and roses; accented with eucalyptus
- Limited quantities available
- Our peonies arrive at an open bud stage and will open fully in a day or two to reveal multiple, magnificent petals, forming a rosette-style bloom with a sweet fragrance; will last up to 5 days with proper care
- Picked fresh on our premier farms around the world, our flowers are cared for every step of the way and shipped fresh to ensure lasting beauty and enjoyment
Add to their gift:
- Clear glass apothecary jar vase; measures 8"H