Deliver all the happiness of a sunshine-filled day. We’ve brought together a bouquet of golden sunflowers and charming pink & purples blooms with our sweet Sunny Day Drizzled Strawberries™. It’s a gift full of warmth and cheer for friends and loved ones, both close by and miles away.
- Mixed bouquet of sunflowers, lavender roses, lavender carnations, pink mini carnations and solidago
- Picked fresh on our premier farms around the world, our flowers are cared for every step of the way and shipped fresh to ensure lasting beauty and enjoyment
- Sunny Day Drizzled Strawberries™ dipped in white chocolaty confection with yellow chocolaty drizzle; dipped in yellow chocolaty confection with white chocolaty drizzle; dipped in milk chocolaty confection with yellow chocolaty drizzle
- Fruit is picked at the peak of freshness and shipped in a gift box
- 12-count box serves approximately 2-4 people; serving size 140 grams
- Contains: Milk & Soy. For additional allergy information, click here.