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  2. Assorted Tulip Bouquet
Assorted Tulip Bouquet
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Our colorful tulips are an instant day-brightener. Whoever they’re for, whatever the reason, this cheerful bunch of spring blooms is the best kind of surprise.

Product Details:

  • Bouquet of multicolored tulips, available in 15 or 30 stems; colors may vary
  • Picked fresh on our premier farms around the world, our flowers are cared for every step of the way and shipped fresh to ensure lasting beauty and enjoyment

Add to their gift:

  • Classic fluted swirl-design glass vase in purple or clear; measures 7.5”H
  • Glass suncatcher adorned with colorful spring flowers that catch the reflection of natural sunlight creating beauty and splendor; inspired by the art of pressed flowers; measures 5"D (available with 30 stems only)
