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  1. Home
  2. Forever Bloom Popcorn Rose
Forever Bloom Popcorn Rose

Product Details:


Something beautiful is "popping up" in gardens everywhere this Spring! Taking its name from the buttery-colored blooms that slowly open and mature into striking white flowers, our unique and hardy Popcorn rose plant loves to soak up the sun, and will continue to grow and flourish into Fall. Whether it's for a milestone birthday, anniversary or just to brighten someone's day, this one-of-a-kind gift is sure to be enjoyed for many years to come.

  • Fresh outdoor 'Popcorn' rose plant features small flower "kernels" that later blooms into stunning white flowers
  • Packaged in 100% natural burlap and ready for planting
  • Self-cleaning plant requires no "dead-heading,” or removing expired blooms)
  • Long-lasting plant thrives in full sun and is disease resistance

