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  2. Frosty the Snow Plant
Frosty the Snow Plant

Product Details:


EXCLUSIVE Our popular Frosty the Snow Plant is back and ready to melt hearts. This year, our playful pal is bundled up in a glittery, snow-topped hat with holly and plaid accents, a matching plaid scarf and red gloves. He arrives carrying fresh white campanula plant for someone special to enjoy. Make this signature gift even sweeter by adding a coordinating snowman design box of delicious milk chocolates. 

  • Fresh white campanula plant arrives blooming
  • Set in a white woven basket planter with smiling snowman character
  • Arrives with separate head and arm picks for recipient to place in plant, which form the snowman character
  • Measures overall approximately 15"H assembled
  • Once the blooms expire, you can plant your perennial outside for lasting beauty; with continued care, it will flourish every year

Add to their gift:

  • Exclusive matching snowman box of delicious milk chocolates; individually foil wrapped
