She’s a best friend. A confidant. A role model. Simply put, Mom is the one person who can always put a smile on your face. Let her know with this beautiful Mother’s Day bouquet! We’ve gathered fragrant white lilies, stunning hot pink roses and graceful pink snapdragons into a heartfelt gift that helps you express everything she means to you without having to say a word.
- Bouquet of white lilies, hot pink roses and pale pink snapdragons
- Flowers arrive in bud form, ready to bloom into full beauty in a few days
- Picked at the peak of perfection and delivered fresh to the door
- Shipped overnight to ensure freshness
Add to her gift:
- Our shimmering ceramic Silver Embossed Vase, featuring a romantic rose design; measures 8.25"H
- Our charming Pink Polka Dot glass vase; measures 8.25"H
- A classic clear glass vase; measures 9"H
- Harry London® 6.3 oz chocolate assortment, packed neatly in a silver foil box with a sign that says: Sending You Sweet Smiles