- 12 long-stem pink roses paired with 6 pink Asiatic lilies, featuring more than 25 blooms; shades of pink and stem counts may vary
- To ensure lasting beauty, Asiatic lilies may arrive in bud form and will fully bloom over the next few days
- Picked fresh on our premier farms around the world, our flowers are cared for every step of the way and shipped fresh to ensure lasting beauty and enjoyment
Add to their gift:
- Exclusive elegant pink glass vase designed with graceful contours and delicate fluting; measures 8”H
- Classic clear glass hourglass vase with elegant fluted detail; measures 9"H
- Delicious selection of 12 Belgian chocolate truffles arrives in a decorative gift box with “Sending You Sweet Smiles” sentiment; flavors include dark chocolate caramel with Himalayan sea salt, milk chocolate praline, white chocolate hazelnut, and milk chocolate with toffee; 3.95 oz
- Sparkling CRISLU necklace finished in pure platinum with “MOM” spelled out in hand-set cubic zirconia; pendant measures 6.5mm x 21mm; includes 16” chain; 100% hypoallergenic (available with pink vase)
Founded in 1961, CRISLU is proud to be in the business of jewelry design for more than 60 years. Now a celebrated multinational brand, the CRISLU name is synonymous with affordable luxury, high style, and exquisite quality. All CRISLU jewelry is covered with a lifetime warranty so that it sparkles forever.