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  2. Disney Billboard Glass Top Serving Tray
Disney Billboard Glass Top Serving Tray
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Nightmare Before Christmas Jack & Sally$79.95

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"A dream is a wish your heart makes". Beautiful words from Cinderella, a Disney classic. Brighten your day every time you read these words, framed by beautiful pink flowers.

Product Details: 1027-P-MK015630

Experience the magic again with the Cinderella - Billboard Glass Top Serving Tray. The famous and beautiful phrase "A dream is a wish your heart makes" is etched onto the removable tempered glass, with a glass slipper sitting above the words, and with beautiful pink flowers framing the edges. The glass sits snuggly in a parawood cutting board for easy transportation and cleaning. Take the magic home for your next Disney dinner party, and showcase your food of choice on a serving tray fit for a princess.

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