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  2. Dreamy Anniversary Surprise Gift With Cake
Dreamy Anniversary Surprise Gift With Cake
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Featuring: Stunning and sturdy Love Shower Box, a flurry of heart confetti that will fly into the air, Chocolate Chip Bundt Cake w/Fudge Frosting, and Silver Wrapped Caramel candies.

Featuring: Stunning and sturdy Love Shower Box, a flurry of heart confetti that will fly into the air, Chocolate Chip Bundt Cake w/Fudge Frosting, and Silver Wrapped Caramel candies.

Product Details: 1027-P-MK035187

Take your sweetheart back to a time you both cherish, with the Dreamy Anniversary Love Shower box! A testament to your everlasting bond, with so many dreams and hopes left to explore. Once opened, a flurry of heart confetti will shoot out, representing all of the love your heart can contain.