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  2. Serving Ladder 3 Tiered Serving Station
Serving Ladder 3 Tiered Serving Station
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At once space-saving and stylish, the Serving Ladder is a 3-tiered serving station with small, medium, and large removable trays set on a collapsible ladder.

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At once space-saving and stylish, the Serving Ladder is a 3-tiered serving station with small, medium, and large removable trays set on a collapsible ladder.

Product Details: 1027-P-MK015750

At once space-saving and stylish, the Serving Ladder is a 3-tiered serving station with small, medium, and large removable trays set on a collapsible ladder. Made of Natural Acacia, this serving set is the perfect centerpiece for picnics and wine & cheese tastings! The classy layout will especially wow the guests at your next dinner party or family get together.

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