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Happy Birthday Dish Garden
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All the beauty of an outdoor garden, right inside. Our dish garden brings together lush green foliage with a bright blooming plant for a pop of color. Arriving in a charming, window box-style wooden container with handles and stencil-cut ‘BLOOM’ design, it’s paired with a balloon for a delightful any-day pick-me-up. Add delicious chocolate chip cookies for a cheerful surprise.

Product Details:

  • Dish garden of blooming green foliage plants and a blooming plant
  • Plant varieties may vary based on availability
  • Designed in a wooden window box container with stencil-cut ‘BLOOM’ design
  • Measures overall approximately 12"H
  • “Happy Birthday” pre-inflated balloon; measures 4"D on 12"H stick

Add to their gift:

  • Chocolate chip cookies in gift box; 2 oz.


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