Our Purple Sky mixed bouquet features the rich beauty of the purple anemone. Also known as the windflower for its gentle appearance, this sweet perennial is part of the buttercup family and a symbol of happiness and new beginnings. Rich in history, its unique, rosette-like petals open to face the sun during the day and face down at night as if to sleep. It’s considered an artistic treasure, being used in the paintings of many Impressionist artists. Ours are gathered with a variety of blooms in shades of purple, lavender and white, creating a lovely display, while making a wonderful gift.
- Mixed bouquet of purple anemones and lisianthus, white roses, lavender roses and ranunculus, Veronica, solomio; accented with premium assorted greenery
- Grown on our premier farms with sun filled days and cool nights, the perfect condition for exceptional quality
Add to their gift:
- Clear glass apothecary jar vase; measures 8"H