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  2. How to Create Your Own Because Box

How to Create Your Own Because Box

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For her dad's 70th birthday, a friend penned, "The 70 things I love about my dad" on strips of colored paper and presented them in a beautiful box.

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You, too, can create a "Because Box"—a beautiful little box filled with notes to complete the phrase "I love you because..." Make one for birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, graduations, or just because. I promise this token of affection, created in your own unique style, will be a cherished treasure to anyone who receives it. Simply jot down thoughts that finish this sentence: I love you because….

...your belief in me has helped me grow.
...you are funny.
...you listen to me.
...I know I can trust you.
...you make me laugh.
...you bake the best cookies.
...I love watching you with our children.

So often when we think about "what" can we give someone, we think of a thing, an object—a tangible something. But, when it’s time to give a gift, for something different, turn your thoughts towards those things that are intangible: a kind thought, a moment of your time, a heartfelt compliment, or an encouraging word.

Tell someone that he or she did a nice job, that her hair looks nice, that his flower garden makes you smile, that you appreciate all they do for you. These are gifts that resonate and will not soon be forgotten.

In my own family, when we five sisters turned "sweet sixteen," each of us received a small diamond necklace from our parents. The necklaces were fashioned from little diamond chips that were in our late grandfather’s ring. We each were given one as a token of love and celebration from our parents, and as a reminder that, as we grow and become independent, we will always be a part of and loved by our family. When my daughter turned sixteen, my husband and I gifted her my necklace so that the tradition and message passes on.

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