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  2. Sweet Spring Lily Bouquet
Sweet Spring Lily Bouquet
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Send a sweet sentiment to someone special with our delightful spring lilies. Whether it’s to celebrate a birthday, a new chapter in life, or just any day, our fragrant gathering of pink, yellow, and white star-shape blooms will spark big smiles for the season.

Product Details:

  • Bouquet of pink, white and yellow Asiatic lilies, featuring multiple blooms on each stem
  • Send over 25 blooms on 7 stems or double their gift with over 50 blooms on 14 stems
  • Lilies arrive in bud form and will open to full bloom once watered
  • Picked fresh on our premier farms around the world, our flowers are cared for every step of the way and shipped fresh to ensure lasting beauty and enjoyment

Add to their gift:

  • Our Floral Meadow vase is adorned with delicate blossoms in an array of colors, inspired by wildflowers in a country meadow; watertight; measures 8.75"H x 4.75”Dia
  • Classic fluted swirl-design glass vase in clear; measures 7.5"H (14 stems only)
  • Classic clear glass hourglass vase with elegant fluted detail; measures 9"H (7 stems only)
  • Glass suncatcher decorated with colorful spring flowers and inspired by the art of pressed flowers; measures 5”Dia


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