The good news is, you don’t need a green thumb to cultivate these aromatic plants in your home.
With advice from expert gardeners, greenhouse workers, and our in-house plant dad, Alfred Palomares, we’ve gathered the best tips for plant-parenting newbies. Our series “Plant Parenting 101” will help turn you into the perfect plant parent!
The self-described "over-nurturer" shares how taking care of plants can fit into your overall wellness routine.
Orchids are popular, and for good reason! Here's how to care for these beautiful and alluring flowers.
Even the most horticulturally challenged individual should have no problem keeping one of these plants alive.
Adding greenery to a learning environment is more than great design — it also has tangible health and wellness benefits.
Like babies outgrowing their cribs, plants eventually need larger accommodations. Here's everything you need to know to repot a plant.