A Unique Surprise, At Their Door
Your specialty gift is delivered by a trusted shipping partner, FedEx.
Your gift will arrive carefully packaged in our signature shipping box, which is specially designed to ensure optimal freshness and prevent damage.
Deliveries are typically made between the following times, but may be extended during peak holidays seasons:
Residential: 9am-8pm
Business: 9am-6pm
If your gift contains flowers or plants, they are grown with care on our premier farms and carefully cleaned, hydrated and quality tested before being shipped to your recipient.
Each gift is inspected to meet our quality standards and our 7-Day Freshness Guarantee. Some varieties will last even longer with proper care.
*Additional charges and surcharges may apply for orders that require special handling, expedited, weekend and holiday delivery for all customers, including passport members.
An Important Message About Health & Safety Measures
The well-being of our team members and customers is of the highest importance. To practice social distancing, and to minimize any potential risk of exposure, deliveries will be contactless and will not require a signature. Learn more