Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What happens after I place an order?
After you complete the checkout process, a page will appear
which will display your web order confirmation number. This number confirms
that your order has been placed successfully. We will send a copy of
this online order receipt via email. If there are any problems with
your order, one of our customer service associates will contact you
by telephone or email.
What if I do not receive an order confirmation via email?
There might be a delay on the Web due to traffic or you may
have mistakenly entered your e-mail address incorrectly. If you do not
receive confirmation or a call by the next business day, please feel
free to contact us at 1-888-227-5387.
Can I change the delivery address?
We will be happy to change the delivery address for same day
orders by calling our customer service department immediately at 1-888-227-5387
before 11:00 p.m. ET on the day of the order. Please have your web order
confirmation number and details of your order available to ensure proper
Is it safe to use my credit card online?
We encrypt your information and send it over the Internet using
SSL (secure sockets layer) technology.
Which credit cards are accepted?
We accept American Express, VISA, MasterCard, and Discover
When will my credit card be charged?
We will attempt to secure authorization on your credit card
at the point of purchase online. If there is a problem securing this
authorization you will be notified on the spot and prompted to use another
card. If we receive verification of sufficient funds, your order will
be completed and transferred securely to us.
How do I check out?
Simply find the gift you wish to send, select your delivery
date, and click "Checkout". You will be asked to enter your
shipping information, billing information, and payment information.
You will have an opportunity to review your order before submitting.
Why am I having problems ordering?
To order from our site, you need a SSL compliant browser and
your browser preferences must be set to accept "cookies".
For best results we recommend using Netscape Navigator 4.5 or later,
or Microsoft's Internet Explorer 5.0 or later. For AOL users, we recommend
the 4.0 or later AOL browser for PC's or the 5.0 browser for Macs.
What if I have a question about a specific product?
Please call us at 1-888-227-5387 with any product questions.
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